Friday, August 7, 2009

Cyber Bullies, Cyber Predators, and Hackers!

What started as a brief introduction to the technology that I am using to communicate with all of you has become a four day technology theme. I started teaching in the mid 90’s and since that time have witnessed first hand how machinery has revolutionized classrooms and the communication system of the school. If you think about this, you might reflect on how the same technology has changed your workplace and/or your home.

The number one tool of our time is the Internet. The majority of our students have access to this information superhighway in their homes, and those who do not are likely to get access at the home of a peer, family member, or in a public place that offers such service (school or library). Over the last couple of days I have indicated how wonderful the new innovations are for us, and yesterday alluded to the fact that even though these tools can be good – that there may be downsides.

Like any communication tool, the internet works two ways. Just as easy as you can access information on the net, so to can someone obtain information from you, about you, or even worse, obtain information from your children. Sadly, there are people out there who are using the Internet to do despicable things and anyone who provides his or her child with access to the Internet needs to be aware of the dangers. Do you know what Cyber Bullies, Cyber Predators, or Hackers are?

In our district we have elaborate technology in place to keep our students and our computer network safe from Internet wrong doers. We also have software that does not allow our students to access inappropriate material that can be viewed on the web. Often, the home computer is not outfitted with software sophisticated enough to stop someone who intends to do harm. I encourage parents and guardians to take a few minutes to look over the websites that I have added below. These sites will provide you with information that you can use to keep your children, your computers, and your homes safe from those who are out there using the Internet as a means to do harm.


  1. Friday Aug 7 you "...eluded to the fact that..."
    Perhaps "alluded?"

  2. Thanks Roy,

    "Eluded" and "Alluded" are commonly confused....and not picked up by Microsoft's spell check. As an educator, I am slightly embarrassed. You will note that I made the edit.


  3. What about "cell phone" bullies...or even just pests?

    Both of my teens have been "victims" of party lines and constant badgering by cellphone toting teens.

    A teen will call the house and ask various opinions or spread various gossip about someone, elicit an opinion from my teen. The next day at school my teen was ostracized and later found out that they were unknowingly on a party line with the particular person they were gossiping about. Not to mention, we later receive a charge on our bill for party line use.

    My other complaint is the teenage girls that call my son every 10 minutes for hours on end. We have also had many late night calls (I am talking midnight or even later) asking for my 15 yo son. Is there no such thing as phone etiquette anymore?
