Monday, August 24, 2009

"Work!" and "Study!"

Sometime during the 1950’s my grandfather and grandmother traveled from a town that is located in the Gran Sasso Mountains of Italy to Western New York State. They moved from a town of less than 100 people to a city of more than 60,000 in search what we commonly refer to as “The American Dream.” My grandfather had a formal education that took him to the equivalent of our third grade, and to my knowledge, my grandmother did not even have that. In Western New York, my grandfather made his living building houses with his brothers while raising his four children.

My grandfather instilled in his children and in his grandchildren very simple, yet successful ideas about how to be successful in life. I recall as I grew up that his two key areas of focus were “Work!” and “Study!” These two focus areas can be seen quite clearly in my father and in his siblings. They too traveled to a new country, ready to learn a new language, ready to learn new skills, ready to study, and willing to work.

The next generation (my siblings, cousins and I) were handed my grandfather’s torch at a young age. If my grandfather were alive yesterday he could tell his friends that he has a grandchild who is a lawyer, one who is an accountant, three teachers, one vice principal, a superintendent, and a fireman. If my grandfather were alive today, he could tell his friends that he has a granddaughter who is a College Professor and who earned her doctorate degree on August 24, 2009!

My sister and I agreed that when she finished her doctoral defense that she would call my office and just leave the message, “Dr. Hopkins called.” Today, amidst the preparations for the first day for faculty and staff I walked out of my office and was shown a slip of paper that said exactly that. My sister is now a doctor of education, and once again the values instilled in a family have paid off big.

Our school year will begin for students on Wednesday morning. When I am standing out on the sidewalk watching the parents pull up and the students walk in I will be thinking about this. As each student passes by me I will wonder if he or she is the next lawyer or doctor, fireman, or policewoman, researcher or teacher. Our faculty and administration will call upon them to do the same two things that my grandfather called upon me to do, “Work!” and “Study!” I know that our work as educators will pay off for them, just as my grandfather’s work paid off for my little sister today.

One more thing...
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate my sister for earning her doctorate degree today and send out an honorable mention to my parents, grandparents, and all of the teachers that she had for a job well-done.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, brother :) And I'd like to send out an honorable mention to you for your encouragement and support along the way...and for giving me something to compete with (as always, you have been a VERY worthy opponent!).
